Happy Holidays with Antaes Asia

For the year 2022, and on behalf of our customers and partners, Antaes Asia is proud to make a donation to the Project Smile Charity in Singapore.


Happy Holidays with Antaes Asia

"For the year 2022, and on behalf of our customers and partners, Antaes Asia is proud to make a donation to Project Smile Charity in Singapore. Like last year, we have decided to continue our support for the charity as Project Smile empowers women from less privileged backgrounds through skills development and social integration. These include training programs in sewing, arts and crafts, cooking, motivational speaking and IT e-commerce, enabling them to acquire new skills, earn extra income and renew their self-esteem and confidence.

As 2022 draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and our team for their trust, dedication and continued efforts. We look forward to further collaboration with our customers and consultants in 2023. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays with Antaes Asia


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